Our Delivery Model

We have combined our expertise in software implementation methodologies such as Unified Process, SunTone, Agile, PMI, etc. with hard lessons we learned on the ground, to define an optimal delivery model.

The main principles of our delivery model are:

  • Take a big picture view to comprehending and solving business problems.
  • Mitigate risk early, and improve predictability while accommodating for change.
  • Realize benefits early and expand incrementally.
  • Emphasize reuse, repeatability, and testability to build a durable solution.
  • Augment, teach, and guide, rather than replace client personnel.

Here is how we keep our delivery model concise yet practical:

  • Tailor Lean and Agile development principles to the client’s context. 1
  • Look before you leap. Work smart and not just work hard. 2
  • Maintain vendor neutrality and weigh the merits of any vendor and the technology or services provided against the business needs and requirements.
  • Leverage Open Source software and tools whenever appropriate.
  • Along with hands on mentoring, ensure that the relevant documentation (esp. operational) is in place to enable proper transition.
  • Never lose sight of the big picture. Revisit, re-validate, and refine, as often as necessary.
Our Delivery Model
We have combined our expertise in software implementation methodologies such as Unified Process, SunTone, Agile, PMI, etc. with hard lessons we learned on the ground, to define an optimal delivery model.
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